Here he’s using his first bow, first quiver and first arrows Most of the pictures are accurate, but labeled under the wrong film. Be careful if you plan to reproduce his weapons - be sure you get accurate pictures. First bow, first quiver, second set of arrows. The second bow, wrong quiver, right arrows. He uses the first bow, the wrong quiver and the right arrows. There are several posters, pictures and replicas of Legolas that were manufactured for press release in which he MIXES his first set of weapons with his second.
In this world, there are such things as publicity shoots, where the actor uses what the public relations agent picks out for him to use. The mixed up confused world of film making. They are quite different from his original arrows. The fletchings are all golden yellow, bound with golden cord that is clasped by two gold bands at the top and bottom of the fletch.
Are green shafted (made of wood), tipped with golden leafy points that are intertwined upwards.